Video Analytics (VA) Lab aka Video Surveillance Lab at PNEC-NUST established in August 2016 is focusing on providing indigenous and state-of-the-art Computer Vision- and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based automated video content analysis solutions. The solutions are being customized to provide on-demand services as well. VA Lab is also a partner lab of National Center of Big Data and Cloud Computing (NCBC). The lab is headed by Dr. Rana Hammad Raza, who is currently serving as Assistant Professor in PNEC NUST.
The developed VA software-based solution autonomously identifies events of interest in visual feeds. It provides a range of services such as attendance/ access control management, abandoned objects detection in restricted environments and human activities or traffic anomalies detection to prevent or control certain events. The software also provides post-event offline forensic analysis using advanced video analytics tools such as super-resolution and customized video stabilization etc.
On-demand Services
We provide a wide array of services for commercialization purposeVision-based Fire Detection
Vision-based fire detection system can detect smoke or flame at an earlier stage to save lives and assets
Traffic Anomalies Detection
This includes identification of various traffic anomalies such as signal violations, lane negligence, going wrong-way etc
Attendance Management System
Face detection and recognition in real time can be used to mark the attendance of students and employees in near or medium field of the camera view
Attribute-based Search
Complex tasks such as identification of a particular face in hours long multiple camera feeds can be effectively undertaken using autonomous attribute-based search
Vision-based Super-Resolution
Low resolution feeds based on certain requirement can be super resolved using state of the art algorithms
Video Summary
Video digest can be generated to list major daily events and avoid cumbersome manual process