AI-based Software application that maps, analyzes, and then confirms the identity of a face in a live video feed
AI-based software which can be used to capture and identify license number plate on vehicles quickly and automatically
AI-based software application which can be used to analyze vehicles speed, traffic flow direction, traffic density and vehicles colour determination from a video traffic sequence
AI-based software application which detects and infers the actions of one or more persons from a live video sequence
Research project for the recognition of group of activity based on the human trajectories as a series of heat sources and the application of thermal fusion
AI-based software application to locate specified objects in a scene and identify each object
AI-based software application for the timely detection of candidate stationary and unattended object
AI-based software application that could be used to benefit a large number of application e.g. surveillance and safety analysis of crowds in public spaces
AI-based software application for the automation and optimization of a physical process of preparing an aircraft in the period it lands until it takes off again for a new flight
AI-based software application for the detection, classification, tracking and behaviour analysis of boats/ships
AI-based software application intended to improve organisations security and prevent visitors from entering the building illegally
VR-based software application to train the staff/operators for the specialized equipment
VR based simulator that can train personnel for the navigation and handling different scenarios
Research & Development in the field of computer vision (deep learning) specifically for the detection of different diseases
AI based software application to be used for the post-event forensic analysis in visual feeds
Research & Development of software application to detect and disrupt the social media fakes (deepfake technology)